dinsdag 26 juli 2011

(My) Make-up

Hi girls.  Today I went to the store for a new mascara and day cream.  I also bought a new nail polish :-).  Normally I think If you buy some make-up it has to be from Gemey or Loréal or another big brand....But this time I bought mascara and nailpolish from Catrice.  This is a very affordable brand.  And I'm very satisfied of the nailpolish of Catrice.  Also the mascara is surprisingly good, it doesn't clump and extend my lashes.  My day cream is from Olaz because I have a very sensitive scin and I can not use every brand.
I paid € 11,47 for all.  Cheap isn't it?   What make-up do you use?

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I also have the mascara from catrice...and i love it!!!

  2. Daycream from Clarins (very expensive :(
    but my EYE cream (yes, yes, i'm starting to get some wrinkles so I use an extra cream for my eyes :p is from.... ALDI :D
    An undependant study showed that daycream from Aldi is the best one on the market. (here is the artikel: http://www.elsevier.nl/web/10157009/Stijl/Mode/Supergoedkope-antirimpelcrme-Aldi-niet-aan-te-slepen.htm

    This weekend I'm going to paris XL to do some last minute shopping during sales...
